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Above the Brightness of the Sun
Creation, God - Praise, Psalms, and Eden Restored
After God's Own Heart
Trial, Commitment, and Discipleship
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
God - Praise
All Things Work Together for Good
Trial, Providence, and Romans
Almighty Father
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Always There
Trial, Angels, and Providence
And the Children Shall Play
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Children's Songs, Kingdom, and Eden Restored
A New Song
God - Praise, Psalms, and Singing - Music
As For Me and My House
Marriage / Wedding Songs, Commitment, Family, and Discipleship
As Gold
Trial and Providence
A Song of Few Words
As the Stars For Ever and Ever
Kingdom and Daniel
As the Waters Cover the Sea
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Kingdom and God Manifestation
A Sword Shall Pierce
Bad Days Come
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Before the Time Runs Out
Begone Unbelief
Behold, I Come Quickly
Be it Unto Me According To Thy Word
Believe - Nothing is Impossible
Faith and Jehoshaphat
Beloved, Let Us Love One Another
Be Not Conformed
Separation from the World
Be Not Grieved
Joseph and Providence
Be Thou Brave
Commitment, Exhortation, and Courage and Conviction
Bless Yahweh Ye His Angels
Bound in the Bundle of Life
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Children, Obey
Children's Songs, Family, and Exodus
Choose Life
Come and See
Come Out of Her My People
Come Unto Me Ye Weary
Jesus Christ
Comfort One Another With These Words
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Christ's Return, Resurrection, and Encouragement
Comfort Song
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Consider Your Ways
Exhortation and Period of the Exiles
Continue in the Faith
Faith, Exhortation, and Courage and Conviction
Continue in Them
Courage and Conviction and Discipleship
Crown of Rejoicing
Crown of Righteousness
Kingdom and Christ's Return
Daniel's Prayer
Prayer and Daniel
Deliver Us!
Earnestly Contend
Christ's Return, Commitment, Courage and Conviction, and Discipleship
Equal to the Angels
Kingdom, Christ's Return, and Angels
Even So, Come
Kingdom and Christ's Return
Everlasting Consolation
Faith, Hope & Love
Faith is
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Children's Songs
Family Prayer
Fierce Was the Billow Wild
Finally Brethren, Farewell
Marriage / Wedding Songs and Farewell
Follow the Star
Jesus Christ and Prophecy
For the Hope of Israel
Faith, Hope, and Israel
Glorified in You
Glory to God in the Highest
Jesus Christ
God is Our Refuge
God - Praise and Courage and Conviction
God Looks on the Heart
David and Discipleship
Godly Friends
Friendship and Ruth
God of the Sparrow
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Providence and Discipleship
God of the Sparrow
God So Loved the World
Jesus Christ
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Grace and Glory
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Hallelujah - Sing Praise to God on High
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Heal Us Lord
Hear O Israel
Israel and Moses
He hath Shown Thee
He is Here
Marriage / Wedding Songs and Christ's Return
Help Me Be a Father
Mary - Mother of Jesus
He Rides on the Wings of the Wind
God - Praise and Psalms
He's Coming Back Again
Christ's Return
He Will Bear Us Up
Trial and Daniel
He Will Quiet You With His Love
Trial and Israel
Him Who is Invisible
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Faith and Moses
His Unspeakable Gift
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Hold Onto Your Crown
How Lovely Is She
How the Mighty Have Fallen
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
I Ascend Into the Mountain - Higher than I version
Prayer and Jehoshaphat
I Ascend Into the Mountain - MYC 2012 version
Prayer and Jehoshaphat
I Cannot Count the Gifts
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
If You Seek Him You Will Find Him
In All Creation
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
In One Mind
Marriage / Wedding Songs and Ruth
In Thee, O Yahweh
Faith, Psalms, and Courage and Conviction
Into This World
Jesus Christ
I Seek My Brethren
Friendship and Joseph
I Will Exalt Thee
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
I Will Greatly Rejoice
Marriage / Wedding Songs, Praise, and Kingdom
I Will Sing Unto the LORD
God - Praise and Moses
I Will Wait
Moses and Patiently Waiting
Jerusalem the Free
Israel and God Manifestation
Jewels In His Crown
Joseph the Dreamer
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Judah's Confession
Keep Your Lamps Filled With Oil
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Children's Songs and The Word
Kings and Priests
Kingdom and Jehoshaphat
Lead Me to the Rock
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Exhortation and Courage and Conviction
Let Me Pass By in Safety
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Let's Sell Him to the Ishmaelites
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Lifted Up In Thy Ways
Praise and Jehoshaphat
Lift Up Your Heads
Christ's Return, Commitment, and Courage and Conviction
Light of the Morning
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Light Out of Darkness
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Living in the Last Days
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Christ's Return, Commitment, and Discipleship
Lord of All Being
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
God - Praise and Prayer
Make Me Strong
Mightier Far
God - Praise and Psalms
Mightier Far
Mighty Egypt
More Than a Son - He is My Saviour
Jesus Christ and Mary - Mother of Jesus
Morning Song
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Moses the Prince
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
My Brother's Keeper
Friendship and Brotherly Love
My Fair One
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Marriage / Wedding Songs
My Son, Forget Not the Words of My law
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
My Times are In His Hands
Never Despair
O Absalom, My Son
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Of Glory
Trial and Ruth
One Body, Many Parts
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Children's Songs and Discipleship
One Love
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
On Every Side
Angels and Resurrection
Out of Egypt
Out of the Depths
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Passover Song
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Peace, Be Still
Children's Songs and Prophecy
Perils in the Sea
Places To Walk
Ponder in Your Heart
The Word and Mary - Mother of Jesus
Possess the Gates
Prayer of David
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Pray One For Another
Press Toward the Mark
Commitment, Courage and Conviction, and Discipleship
Promised Morning Light
Christ's Return and Prayer
Protect Our Family
Ready to Save (Hezekiah's Prayer)
Trial, Prayer, and Providence
Reflections of God
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Children's Songs and Discipleship
Remember Me
Remember Me, O My God, For Good
Period of the Exiles
Revealer of Secrets
Prophecy and Joseph
Rise Up and Build
Period of the Exiles and Discipleship
Ruth's Song
Friendship and Ruth
Sacrifice of Praise
Moses and Exodus
Salt of the Earth
Jesus Christ
Seek Ye Yahweh
Prophecy, The Word, and Discipleship
Send Forth Thy Light
Psalms and The Word
Shamah Y'Israel
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Show Thyself a Man
Commitment, Exhortation, and Courage and Conviction
Song of Moses
Prophecy and Moses
Song of the Captives
Daniel and Period of the Exiles
Song of the Nazarite - The LORD Bless You and Keep You
Separation from the World, Discipleship, and Baptism
Stand Fast
Commitment and Courage and Conviction
Stand Still
Faith, Providence, Moses, and Exodus
Strengthen My Hands
Period of the Exiles
The Angels Refrain
Jesus Christ, Praise, Prophecy, and Angels
The Brightness of Thy Glory
Jesus Christ and God Manifestation
The Garden of the LORD
Jesus Christ and Creation
The Gospel of Christ
Jesus Christ and God Manifestation
The Heritage of Jacob
Commitment, Israel, Courage and Conviction, and The Word
The Lamb Shall Overcome Them
Jesus Christ, Kingdom, and Prophecy
The Law of Christ - If My Brother
Friendship and Brotherly Love
The Lord Be With You All
Farewell and Thessalonians
The Marriage of the Lamb Has Come
The Seed of the Woman
Jesus Christ and Mary - Mother of Jesus
The Shepherd
Jesus Christ and Moses
The Wings of the Morning
Psalms, Joseph, and Providence
The Word of Truth
The Word
They That Feared Yahweh
Angels and Providence
Separation from the World and Discipleship
Those Who Endure Unto the End
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Commitment and Courage and Conviction
Thy Help and Shield
To Open Their Eyes
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
To Open Their Eyes 2
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
To the Clouds
Train Up a Child
Children's Songs
True Friendship
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Trust in Him
Under Whose Wings We Have Come To Trust
Faith and Ruth
Until We Meet Again
Use Me In My Youth
Children's Songs, Commitment, Courage and Conviction, and Youth
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Christ's Return and Brotherly Love
We Are All Children of God
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
We Are Not of Darkness
We Are Strengthened
Brotherly Love
We Are Young Disciples
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Children's Songs and Discipleship
We Have Waited For Him
We Know Not What to Do
Faith and Jehoshaphat
We Won't Be Conformed
Separation from the World and Daniel
What God Has Joined Together
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Marriage / Wedding Songs
Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman
Wings Like A Dove
Wipe Away Our Tears
Trial and Angels
With Gladness and Rejoicing
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Marriage / Wedding Songs
With You I Will Go
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Marriage / Wedding Songs
Worthy is the Lamb
Jesus Christ, Kingdom, and Angels
Yahweh Elohim
God Manifestation
Yahweh is God Follow Him
Separation from the World, Discipleship, and Elijah
You Are
You Are That Friend
Misc Jehoshaphat Music
Friendship and David